
Mystery job!

A strange one today as I was called out to a very old building, a convent no less and one of the rooms was locked and the nuns couldn’t open it, hence I got called out. The strange part is that there is only one key and the door was locked from the inside. How the door managed to lock itself is a mystery.

Seized Lock.

  Had a call this afternoon as a customer couldn’t remove their key from an Ultion lock, as you can see from the photos, I had to cut the key and replace the lock, the Ultion locks are good locks, but they do need to be serviced as per manufactures advise especially when the sea is only 20M away or they will seize up like this one did.


  Just had the call that every locksmith’s dread, and that a young mum had locked herself out of the house due to the wind slamming the door closed with her baby crawling around on its own. Worse still as every locksmith will tell you, the keys were on the other side of the lock, still they called the right locksmith as I managed to open the door with no damage, mum and baby are fine.

Leave it to the professionals

Had to open a lock destructively today as someone else already had a go at drilling it unsuccessfully.

Stolen keys

 Had the call late last night around 12.30 pm from a distraught wife, as her husband had some sort of altercation and as far as I can tell his car keys along with the keys to the family home were stolen, the police were on site at that time and recommended to have the locks changed to the house, I advised the wife as a temporary security measure to lock the doors from the inside and leave the keys in the locks, that way anyone with a key cannot gain entry from the outside, and to keep the cost down I would come out and change the locks in the morning. The following morning I went round to change the locks and made the family home secure once again.  The point I am trying to make here is that the customer made the correct decision in getting a trained locksmith to change all the locks, so whoever stole the keys will not be able to get in, Christmas is always a busy time for any locksmiths as well as the season to be jolly it is also the season for high crime, please be safe and...

Lock snapping

 Over 22 million doors across the UK could be at risk from a method of attack called lock snapping where the lock cylinder can be broken in just under 60 seconds.  Watch this video At Thanet Locksmiths we recommend that all vulnerable Upvc doors using the older type euro-cylinders should be replaced to incorporate 'Break Secure' cylinders.  After hearing about targeted burglaries on the elderly or vulnerable people within the Thanet area I am now offering the following; a replacement snap-resistant lock for the elderly or the vulnerable supplied and fitted for just £30.00 per lock (basically the cost of the lock plus diesel, normal fitted price is from £80.00 Upvc doors only). OFFER NOW CLOSED These locks are certified to EN1303 they are drill resistant, pick resistant and pull or snap resistant and come supplied with 3 keys.  If you have any elderly relatives, friends or neighbours who you think could do with upgrading their old door loc...